Now, I am by no means an overly organised person but I must say that I always get my kids to school on time. It irks me that some parents are rocking up to the school 5, 10 even 20 minutes late when they only have one or two kiddlywinks to deal with in the morning.
I have an eleven month old who still wakes multiple times throughout the night so my fantastic husband is kind enough to let me have a sleep in most days. If this means that I don't get up until 8am when we have to be out the door at 8.30 then I will live with the 30 minute chaos and cherish those extra minutes of sleep.
This is a short run down of the 30 minutes from throwing my legs over the side of the bed and reluctantly getting up to starting the car engine and zooming out the driveway.
8 to 8.05 - Take in my surroundings, view where the children are (generally camped out in front of the TV still in their PJ's), see who has eaten breakfast (normally only one or two of them) and a quick trip to the toilet (I have just woken up after all).
8.05 - 8.10 - Gently remind the children that they only have twenty five minutes and to please go and get dressed for school. This only applies to the two eldest as I still have to help
Master 3 to dress (he can't open his big, heavy, solid wood drawers) and of course Master 11 months needs to have a nappy change and obviously can't dress himself.
8.10 - 8.15 - I get myself dressed, brush my hair, roughly apply any makeup I might think is necessary and return to find the eldest child still watching TV in his PJ's.
8.15 - 8.20 - NOT so gently remind the children that they only have 15 minutes to get dressed and eat their breakfast and to get a move on. I then prepare said breakfast and throw together a breakfast shake for myself to have on the go.
8.20 - 8.25 - Take the kids lunches out of the fridge and place in their school bags. Get the younger boys shoes on and laces tied. Fix the older boys collars, make sure their jumpers are on and shout at them for playing when they should be eating.
8.26 - Strap Master 11 months in the car. Strap Master 3 in the car.
8.27 - Strap Master 4 in the car. Scream at Master 8 to move his backside and get in the car.
8.28 - Put my shoes on and hop in the car. Ask if everyone has their school bags.
8.29 - Run back inside for the bags. Ask if everyone has their shoes on.
8.30 - Send Master 8 back inside for his shoes whilst I start the engine. He starts to panic because he honestly thinks I'm going to leave without him and for the first time all morning he actually does something quickly, jumps back in the car and off we go. And, my voice is only a little hoarse from all the shouting I've had to do.
So, my top tips for getting four kids dressed, fed and in the car in 30 minutes!
1) Make school lunches the night before.
2) Make sure school uniforms are ready to go the night before.
3) Shower before you go to bed so as not to need one in the morning. (If you sweat in your sleep as much as my husband I don't recommend this one - just get up 5 minutes earlier)
4) Be prepared to shout, nag and be completely frustrated for those 30 minutes.
5) Have a supportive, hands on husband (If your husband does not have these qualities consider trading him in for a new one)
How much time do you need in the mornings?